Weekly Food Baskets

How will you feel eating dinner,
when you know the neighbor's children
are going to sleep hungry?
(Sarah, a hungry girl) 
When the teacher noticed that Sarah was not eating anything,
day after day, she called her to talk.
Sarah was silent, and the teacher informed the counselor.
"A severe case of anorexia!" They clicked their tongues,
and sent her to the school psychologist.
Sarah, continued to remain silent with the psychologist.
The school demanded the intervention of the family doctor,
who said that although Sarah is below the average weight,
but there is still no evidence of anorexia.
And Sarah remained quiet.
For four years Sara had been at school, and no one thought,
that Sarah was not eating, because she simply
did not have anything to eat.
Only when she grew older did she dare to tell,
to help her little brothers, who were dealing
with a nagging stomach.
In order to deal with such difficult cases
of families suffering from a lack of nutrition,
The Ministry of Education issued a plan for the nutrition project.
Elementary school children receive school feeding every day.
And what about high schools?
And what happens at home? In the evenings?